Today is World Art Day!
Let’s take a moment to appreciate the concerts we visited, exhibitions we attended and plays we watched. During these times, where we need art at least as much as we do in normal times already, it is more challenging to come together and share unforgettable moments. Therefore, artists and organizers have put their creative minds to work and found ways to share their art with us.
Here are our top 3!
1. Concerts
Digital concerts are probably the most common way to experience art at this moment. Moreover, it is a great way to support your favorite artists and enjoy their music from home. Brussels concert hall Ancienne Belgique (AB) classically streams concerts, which can mostly be attended through their Facebook Page, and furthermore has launched a new virtual, interactive concert hall called Nouvelle Belgique. Via Yabal, a desktop app, you can create your own avatar to digitally attend performances. Here you can find a list of their upcoming concerts and stay tuned for their next virtual event
Other than that, let Google be your friend and search if your preferred artists are putting on a show!
2. Museums
Right now could be the perfect time to digitally visit museums that you would usually have to travel far for, like the British Museum in London, the Vatican Museums in Rome, or the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Seoul.
Find a list of museums you can tour virtually here:
By the way, Belgian museums are still open. Go check them out!
3. Theater
Not only can you watch movies and series online, as all of us have been doing for a while, but you can also stream filmed versions of a variety of theater productions. You can find some on popular streaming platforms, but there are also ones just for theater plays, where you can subscribe or pay for single productions like
Keep in mind that art is not only highly enjoyable but that artists need our support right now! Under the hashtag #PlayLocal BEA (the entertainment industry association in Belgium) calls for people to listen to and thereby support Belgian artists. To make it even more convenient for you, they put together Belgian Playlists to listen to (scroll to the bottom of the page):

Until we meet again soon (to celebrate together)!